IACC Stands Together Globally for Paris

Dear IACC Family,

I know we have all been gripped over the past few days by the obscene and cowardess acts of evil that took place in Paris. As a global family, I know our IACC members feel the pain and sorrow many have expressed in the media, regardless of the distance. We must stand in solidarity and strength for our brothers and sisters in Paris. In particular, Chateauform’, our IACC member based in Paris needs our thoughts and prayers as one of their executive team lost a close friend in the Bataclan theater. 

Today in Barcelona at EIBTM, the world meetings industry paid their respects to Paris through a moment of silence. Mark Cooper, IACC CEO was on the floor and observed real time the amount of people surrounding the Paris trade show booth, providing support. 
The meetings industry is resolved to press on and be a catalyst to bring people together to continue to do business and support our global economy. Several speakers addressed post-tragedy situations and resolved that the meetings industry is resilient and recovers swiftly. Let’s hope and pray for swift recovery for our French and European colleagues who are closest to the threats. 

Together! Globally! We are IACC! And we stand together in support of our fellow members in Paris. 



Alex Cabañas
IACC President

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