IACC Seeks Nominations for 2016 Board Associate

On behalf of the Board of Directors of IACC-Americas, we are pleased to announce that we are seeking to appoint a Board Associate whose particular focus will be to identify and advise the board on emerging trends from the millennial perspective and contribute to the annual conference planning group.

Any member of your staff who meets the following criteria is eligible for this position:

  • Under 30 years old.
  • Interested in becoming involved in IACC, as a non-voting member of the board of directors.
  • The Board Associate is expected to attend board meetings or conference planning meetings as required.
  • The term will end at the 2017 annual conference. In addition, the new associate will work with our current Board Associate (attending meetings via conference call) and give a final report of observations and experiences at his or her last board meeting.

IACC will bear all travel and lodging expenses in connection with the associate’s participation at board and/or conference planning meetings and the annual conference. The associate’s organization must be willing to commit the time required for the individual to participate, which will be in the region of 2 days per month excluding attending IACC conferences and meetings.

We believe that this will be an extremely worthwhile and rewarding experience for the associate and provide IACC with valuable insights into emerging trends that we all face as well as help to address our ongoing commitment to leadership development.

If you know of someone who may be interested in this volunteer position, please ask him or her to complete the Board Associate Application no later than January 8th, 2016 and return to Heidi at hlapka@iacconline.org. IACC will decide on the final candidate by January 15, 2016. 

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