IACC President’s Welcome

It has been an active four months since taking on the president role!

The IACC board has been focused on several exciting new initiatives to continue to elevate the IACC brand and member value.  One important project is a branding and marketing effort focused on elevating and updating the IACC brand and our identity. Our goal is to better represent and promote our membership and keep pace with the changes to the meetings landscape.  A marketing partner has been hired and is actively interviewing our members globally.  The feedback so far has been insightful and exciting and is aligned with what the board of directors anticipated.  We are looking forward to sharing the results this Spring. Thank you to those who have participated in this important process.

Aligned with IACC’s identity and reputation is the IACC Meeting Room of the Future™ initiative. We plan to release the first survey findings in April to our industry and media colleagues at the IACC-Americas Connect event in New York and to our members globally.  The focus of this initiative is to support our members in preparing and developing their venues in line with how meetings are evolving. And not just the meeting room itself, but what goes on inside and outside of the meeting room.  We will be researching and sharing insights on the total meeting experience.  We are looking for industry partners to join a growing line up, which includes our latest partner Microsoft and some of our industry’s brightest minds.

In closing, the item I would like to share is some thoughts from attending the first conference following the formation of the Australia Asia Pacific chapter, which took place in Sydney in January.  We had some exceptional speakers on disruptive technology, social media and leadership development.  Sydney provided a great backdrop and MGSM Executive Hotel and Conference Center and other member venues were the perfect hosts.  The absolute highlight was the last evening dinner and drinks at the foot of the Opera House as the sun set. The IACC value was evident in the global relationships and friendships that were cemented at the table.  We are IACC!

Hoping to see everyone at the IACC-Americas Connect on the 19 & 20 April. 


Alex Cabañas
IACC President

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