Exciting New Enhancements to IACC Meeting Room of the Future™ in 2017

Following this global initiatives’ launch in 2016, the IACC Meeting Room of the Future™ project will be bigger and better in 2017.

Predict. Create. Shape. Led by IACC, with the goal to share the association’s vision on what meeting spaces will look like in future, IACC brings together experts, research, trends and innovations with the single goal of predicting, creating and shaping the future of meeting environments.

Mark Cooper, IACC’s CEO comments “We knew soon after the publication of the 2016 research, that our members and industry needed information, data and trends specifically related to meeting environments. The research findings gave some important insights and areas to focus on. The success of the two pieces of research in 2016, has led to bigger more exciting plans for 2017”.

Plans include taking the research findings to more meeting planner attended events and online learning platforms in 2017. In the last month alone IACC’s CEO has delivered workshops for over 120 planners in Los Angeles and Philadelphia, with more planned in the coming months.

In June IACC will provide a Product Showcase Room at MPI’s World Education Conference in Las Vegas, where over 3,000 planners from around the globe descend for three days of learning. The room will feature demonstrations, presentations and product showcases.

In preparation for IMEX America in October, IACC is working with a new project partner, NHTV University of Applied Sciences Breda, Netherlands and other virtual reality commercial partners to develop a virtual interpretation of the Meeting Spaces of the Future.

IACC’s President Alex Cabanas asks for IACC members around the globe to support this year’s research “We ask each member to ask a handful of their clients to complete the 2017 survey, which is now live and can be found here. The more buyers of meeting spaces that already book IACC venues who participate, the more relevant the research findings will be”.

About the Project

The IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ initiative surveys the industry, including planners, meeting hosts, delegates, operators and suppliers, with the aim of understanding needs and potential to evolve meeting and learning environments which fosters collaboration, ideas exchange and relationship building.

Opportunities to Participate

IACC is offering industry partners the opportunity to participate in the 2017 IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ initiative.

Become a Collaborator

If your organisation would like to support this project, IACC can offer:

  • Branded recognition at key stages of the initiative (research, survey, reporting).
  • Pre-release copy of key survey findings
  • Opportunity to contribute in the research design stages
  • Opportunity to provide products, services, expertise and knowledge to design, equip and promote the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ concept.
  • Recognition in at least 2 press releases and industry articles where the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ is featured, including press interviews.
  • Supporter/Contributor recognition on the IACC Meeting Room of The Futureweb page on IACCmeetings.com and IACConline.org.

For further information on how to become involved in the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ initiative in 2017, email Kate Bacon kbacon@iacconline.org or call +44 203 478 0274.

Current Project Partners


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