Microsoft Joins The IACC Meeting Room of the Future™ Project

IACC Meeting Room of the Future

Improving Meeting Dynamics & Shaping How People Will Meet

IACC launches an exciting initiative for 2016; the IACC Meeting Room of the Future™.

Predict. Create. Shape.  This initiative led by IACC, with the goal to share the association’s vision on what meeting rooms will look like in future. The initiative brings together research, trends and innovations with the single goal of predicting, creating and shaping the future of meeting environments.

IACC aims to bring together the brightest minds and companies in the industry, with a vision to create both a physical and virtual meeting environment.

In a blend of new for today and visions for tomorrow, IACC will explore what the perfect meeting environments need to deliver in order to provide exceptional IACC meeting experiences.

About the Project

We all understand that collaboration and knowledge sharing and the environments and tools that support these behaviours shape people, organisations, politics and ultimately, economies. As the only global association to represent smaller meetings focused venues, IACC is committed to playing it’s part in shaping the future through innovating the meetings experience.

The IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ initiative will survey the industry, including planners, meeting hosts, delegates, operators and suppliers, with the aim of understanding needs and potential to evolve meeting and learning environments which fosters collaboration, ideas exchange and relationship building.

The initiative will release a meeting planner led survey, at the IACC-Americas Connect conference in New York in April 2016. The report will focus on current trends and developments and also predicts where future investment will be needed to create the ultimate meeting experience for organisers and delegates.

Opportunities to Participate

IACC is offering key industry partners the opportunity to participate in the 2016 IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ initiative. The initiative will include IACC members, supplier partners, Industry Associations and other bright minds with a passion for the meetings experience!

If your organisation would like to support this project, IACC can offer:

  • Branded recognition at key stages of the initiative (research, survey, reporting and throughout the IACC-Americas Connect event in New York 19-20 April 2016).
  • Pre release copy of key survey findings
  • Research design contributor opportunity
  • Opportunity to provide products, services, expertise and knowledge to design, equip and promote the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ concept.
  • Quoted in at least 2 press releases and industry articles where the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ is featured, including press interviews.
  • Supporter/Contributor recognition on the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ web page on IACCmeetings.com and IACConline.org.

Industry & Member Partners
Industry and member partners will be recognised for their support of the initiative and will contribute valuable research and survey support for all stakeholder groups including, planners, meeting hosts and delegates. Industry an member partners will be recognised for their support and contributions in marketing and press releases and at events where IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ is showcased.

Industry partners are invited to contribute to the design of the research and surveys.

For further information on how to become involved in the IACC Meeting Room of The Future™ initiative in 2016, email Mark Cooper mcooper@iacconline.org or call +1 312 224 2580 to participate today.

Current Project Partners


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