Every year-end marks a time of new beginnings!
Nancy Lindemer
President IACC Americas and Global Board Director
And what a year it has been! After I come to terms with the fact that it is indeed December… I realize that we have had quite a journey in 2022. Unexpected twists and turns, challenges we didn’t see coming, challenges we knew were coming but did not have a solution for. A return to business as normal? Not a chance!
Building business back, rebuilding teams, establishing talent, and managing supply chain pains, we have certainly had quite a ride. At the core of it, I could not be happier to be doing what IACC venues know how to do best, bringing us together for impactful and thoughtful meeting experiences.
As you will read in this newsletter, your IACC team has been hard at work supporting you, during this journey. We return to trade shows and industry events, providing education to the meeting planning community and spreading the word about the difference our properties make in meeting experiences.
The Meeting Room of the Future research initiatives went into overdrive to bring relevant and timely information about what is happening in our industry to help us make decisions. Maximizing our industry relationships and strengthening our MPI partnership to keep IACC venues in front of the meeting planning community. Providing education and training for our members via our webinars and conferences to bring our teams as much support for their growth and development as possible. Showcasing our culinary swagger with our cornerstone Copper Skillet Competition, back live and more exciting than ever! And showcasing our Better Tomorrow initiatives that give a framework for doing business in a way that supports and honors our environment, communities, and our people in ways that they can grow and thrive.
On a personal note, the end of this year marks the end of my term as Americas President. When I took on this role 4 years ago, I could have never imagined the challenges that our industry would have faced. My vision for this time was quite different from how it turned out. Yet the outcome of this time – the pride I feel for our IACC Community – is greater than I could ever have imagined. For that I am so grateful to each of you, each member for continuing to say that this community matters, for our amazing strategic partners that were there no matter what, for the first-class IACC staff that made supporting our members the priority, and for an Executive Committee and a Board of Directors that looked ahead with such commitment and determination. It has truly been my humble honor.
Susan Liston will be taking the reigns as your chapter President in 2023 and I could not be happier for this organization. She is a driven leader that has a passion for IACC and all that we represent. I know that she will be magical in the role and IACC will be better with Susan at the helm. Join me in cheering her on!
There is a great deal to be excited about in 2023 – and I am thrilled to be welcoming our 2023 Knowledge Exchange to my home state! I hope to see you all in Durham, NC in April. We have an amazing lineup of education, really relevant and innovative supplier showcases, all at a super cool location. I cannot wait for my home turf to show off!
I hope this season of renewal finds you, your family, and your team healthy and well. Sending you my wishes for all the best that the new year can bring!