Highlights from the MPI World Education Congress (WEC) 2019

After a fantastic three days at the Meeting Professionals International (MPI) World Education Congress in Toronto June 15-17, 2019 in which IACC presented a live interactive showcase of the Meeting Room of the Future, IACC CEO Mark Cooper gives us an overview of what happened at the event and the highlights from each day. 

Get your free copy of the 2019 Meeting Room of The Future Report

Day 1 – Meeting Room of The Future Showcase & Report Launch

The day started with a pre-opening reception to introduce the showcase concept to senior industry professionals, including the MPI board of directors and MPI Foundation Trustees. IACC shared how the vision of taking the research off paper and into a live environment was 15 months in the planning. 

IACC, supported by the MPI Foundation, PSAV, Slido and All Seated came together to bring the vision to life at MPI WEC Toronto. 

On day 1, the five exploration sessions were at capacity up to 15 minutes before the start time, with attendees keen to attend and participate in debates around trends identified in the research. 

Foods of the future sampling were a welcome highlight to those attending the sessions on day 1 and the IACC team look forward to a second great day of interaction at WEC tomorrow!

IACC Meeting room of the Future Showcase MPI WEC19

IACC Meeting room of the future

IACC Meeting room of the Future Showcase MPI WEC19

Day 2 – Learning and Networking

Two days into WEC and the IACC Showcase was on the radar of the 2,000 meeting planners in attendance after overflowing sessions on the first day.  Attendees commented on the unique learning environment which brought attendees closer to facilitation on topics such as how to close the gap between perceptions of meeting food being inferior to restaurant food and how venues need to change to meet the needs of organisers in the next 5 years.

Using different methods of engagement, facilitator Mike van der Vijver of MindMeeting, who IACC partnered with for this project, guided participants through a myriad of subjects. Mike designed the 14 explorations that took place over the 3 days as well as facilitating a number of interactive panel sessions.  Mike ensured the learning was rich and included the attendees in the debates and in solution finding.

In the afternoon, one session looked at how VR is being used to develop the venue appraisal, cutting down the need for excessive travel to see views and to designing spaces that partners and suppliers can appreciate in advance. All Seated demonstrated their VR technology with attendees.
As the Raptors fans in Toronto endured long lines to see the Champions of the NBA on this day, IACC saw long lines of its own to attend their sessions. Fortune benefits the ones who turn up early!

IACC Meeting room of the Future Showcase MPI WEC19

IACC meeting room of the future showcase wec19

IACC Meeting room of the Future Showcase MPI WEC19

Day 3 – Planning for the future

IACC leaves MPI WEC with a “mission accomplished” feeling.  We show immense appreciation to everyone involved in creating the live showcase of Meeting Room of The Future. Without a shared belief that meeting professionals wanted to forward plan and be a part of creating tomorrow’s meeting, IACC and our partners MPI, PSAV, Slido and All Seated would not have come together to create the 14 explorations delivered over the past 3 days.

IACC Meeting room of the Future Showcase MPI WEC19

IACC Meeting room of the Future Showcase MPI WEC19

Learn more in this video with Mariela Mcllwraith

Watch this video overview of the Meeting Room of the Future Showcase.

Thank you

We thank all who could not fit into our micro-explorations, who persevered and came back to attend sessions later.
We thank Toronto for being a city which injected innovation into our veins and all of the MPI planning professionals for stepping forward and participating in the IACC showcase with discussion that will help us predict, create and shape the future of meetings!

Get your free copy of the 2019 Meeting Room of The Future Report

Meeting room of the future report

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