Are You Joining Better Tomorrow Service Week in September?

IACC has been storming ahead with new initiatives to deliver strong social impact for members and this September IACC Better Tomorrow Service Week will be a week where IACC members around the globe stage community, people, and environmental education and giving events and initiatives. Together IACC will collectively make a huge difference to people’s lives and taking part could not be easier!

Taking place September 18-26, 2021, IACC’s Service Week has been designed within four main topics activities, Diversity & Inclusion, Environment, Education & Training, and Fight against Poverty. 

If you wish to do something this week at your property or business, simply register your interest with IACC, and by return, IACC will share ideas on what you can put on that is fun, educational, and rewarding! 

Head of the Service volunteer group Maria Griffiths from etc. venues comments “We believe in the power of the IACC family and we hope you will join us by participating in activities with your teams and within your communities”.

We cannot wait to see and hear all of your amazing stories, so make sure you enroll today, if you haven’t done so already, online here and then look out for IACC’s ideas highlighting some suggested activities you may like to feature. 

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